Dear AWA Friends,
We have well and truly Written Around the World!! AWA workshop leaders gathered writers through the weekend of October 22 & 23 from Mexico to Ireland to write and to raise scholarship funds for those who can’t afford the AWA Training Program tuition. What fun we had! What writing came off the ends of our pens! Gratitude is overwhelming us at AWA! Thank you feels so meager. What we offer in return belongs to you. AWA is stronger, deeper and wider because of you. One page of your writing will be posted on the AWA website. And donations continue to arrive; it’s not too late to participate.
To support this new fundraising effort, we have launched the new AWA website: If you haven’t visited, please do. If you have been trained, see if you can find yourself on the map. No? Contact us to find out why. Our goal is to demonstrate to the world how broad and varied our community is. You are more than a pinpoint to us; we are here to support your work.
The final training session of 2016 is only weeks away in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2017 Training Program Schedule is in place. We are excited to be traveling to Atlanta, GA in February, return to Malibu in April, establish ourselves in Newton, MA in late June, and return to Chicago again in September. Please visit the website for details. Please share this information with writers who would like to become AWA workshop leaders.
Nothing connects us more than writing together. Every time we sit with one another and exchange our written art, we support the work of Amherst Writers & Artists. This past weekend you cracked my heart open.
With gratitude and respect,
Maureen Buchanan Jones
Executive Director