by Danielle McKinney | Aug 24, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Loren MccRory offered sessions on May 8 & 22. Loren’s workshop, Night Write: Dream Share, focused on being in the flow and going with the flow. Experts say everyone dreams, whether they remember afterwards or not. In order to access these nether regions of...
by Danielle McKinney | Aug 12, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Susie Whelehan offered a session on May 5. “Whether your purpose for writing is artistic expression, communication with friends and family, the healing of the inner life, or achieving public recognition for your art – the foundation is the same: the claiming of...
by Kate Frank | Sep 11, 2020 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Loren MccRory offered a group on May 21. Loren’s group was themed around: Writing for Breathing Space. She was recently certified to lead workshops in the AWA method, after many years of searching for an expressive arts therapy in keeping with her passion for...