by Danielle McKinney | Sep 24, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Lisa Jones offered a session on May 13. Lisa Jones hosted a session, “A Little Bit of Wonder” as a part of the Write Around The World Fundraiser. Lisa Jones is a writer, coach, lover of giant dogs, and an outdoorsy person who is also in a romantic...
by Danielle McKinney | Aug 30, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Nancy Margolis offered a session on May 11. Nancy Margolis hosted a workshop, “From Prompts to Prose, Let’s See What Grows.” Nancy became a certified AWA workshop leader in 2011. In addition to leading AWA groups, she has taught and tutored writing...
by Danielle McKinney | Aug 24, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Loren MccRory offered sessions on May 8 & 22. Loren’s workshop, Night Write: Dream Share, focused on being in the flow and going with the flow. Experts say everyone dreams, whether they remember afterwards or not. In order to access these nether regions of...
by Danielle McKinney | Aug 13, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
April Boyington Wall offered a session on May 6. Initially trained as a social worker and therapist, April moved into business consulting early in her career and eventually taught and mentored graduate students in management. She has worked as an executive coach and...
by Danielle McKinney | Aug 5, 2021 | Featured Writing, Write Around the World
Susan Buttenwieser offered a session on May 4. Susan’s writing workshop was an opportunity to share feelings about life during the pandemic in a safe and supportive environment where participants connected through writing. Poems by Ada Limon, Maggie Smith and...