Jo Thompson offered a session on May 16.

Jo has been a barmaid, a nursing home aide, a proofreader, an associate editor, a freelance tech reporter, a copywriter, content strategist, creative director, and executive creative director. That said, writing her own stories has been the most fulfilling act of all, which she started doing at an Amherst Writers & Artists workshop nearly 10 years ago. The method unlocked the literary writer in her and she fell in love with the entire process.

Day Trip

by Terri Greening

Turbulent, whitecapped waves washed against the rock-lined, concrete pier as the wind picked up. Desperate yachtsmen sailed into the channel, barely skirting the red-and-white striped lighthouse on their way to the safety of their slips. Bikini and board-short clad sunbathers scurried down the slippery pier toward the safety of the shore. How quickly the sun had gone. How quickly the storm had come in.


Wonka’s Wears

by Arin Hincer 

This just in: Willy Wonka has ditched the chocolate rivers and blueberry children, and has transformed his factory into a fashion emporium. At Wonka Couture Inc., you may find a poofy cotton candy dress, or a wafer corset with Red Vine lacing (which you’ll probably need if you’ve been eating Mr. Wonka’s sweets). So come get your own piece from Wonka Couture! And don’t worry; no Oompa Loompas were harmed in the making of these garments. 

Thank you for joining us to Write Around the World!

For the rest of the summer, watch our blog! We are sharing writing from AWA’s yearly marathon fundraiser, which happened this year all-online throughout the month of May.

We offer this series in appreciation for the incredible community of writers and workshop leaders that sustain us. If you’re inspired and would like to be part of the fundraiser, please donate!