Jayelle Lindsay offered a session on May 7.

Jayelle is a physiotherapist, yoga teacher and AWA facilitator. This workshop was an hour of gentle movement and poetry. An invitation to listen to the body as you are guided through movement explorations to compliment a writer’s life.

Moved To Write

by PatriciaMary

Moving this way and that
To the right, to the left
And back again
Arms and legs floating.

Mindful of my joints
Curiously exploring
New positions
With delight.

A sense of adventure creeps in
Slowly silently growing
Inviting emotions of fun
Teaming up with my physical body.

My mind takes flight
I ride the air currents
Rising to the clouds
Skipping from one to the other.

I merge
With the soft water molecules
Turning into gently falling rain
Returning to my earthly body.

I rest on Mother Earth
Her body one with mine.
Replete with the adventure
Being air and water in the sky.

The fire in my core ignites
Playful flames come alive
Every cell suffused
Warming and aglow

I am replete.
I am complete.
I am grateful.
I am joyfully alive.

Thank you for joining us to Write Around the World!

For the rest of the summer, watch our blog! We are sharing writing from AWA’s yearly marathon fundraiser, which happened this year all-online throughout the month of May.

We offer this series in appreciation for the incredible community of writers and workshop leaders that sustain us. If you’re inspired and would like to be part of the fundraiser, please donate!