Ana McCracken offered a session on May 29.

Ana McCracken’s personal essays are published in The California Writers Club Literary Review, and the anthologies Nothing But The Truth So Help Me God, The Joy of Adoption, and Chicken Soup for the Adopted Soul, and her poetry in Telepoem Booth® Iowa. She is a former columnist for Maui Vision Magazine, and her articles have appeared in various publications around the San Francisco Bay Area.

An Amherst Writers & Artists Affiliate, Ana leads writing workshops that inspire writers one word at a time. She also teaches creative nonfiction courses for OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at the Iowa State University Alumni Association.

A road-trip enthusiast, Ana has developed a love for driving the back roads of Nebraska, Kansas and the eastern Great Plains of New Mexico. A sometimes blogger and active photo essayist, Ana’s workshops, writing and her photography can be found on her website at

We thank Ana for her leadership and Elizabeth for sharing her work with us!

Writers in Ana’s ZOOM session! (Ana is pictured in the center at the top)
In the garden

by Elizabeth Wolf

it is quiet. No. It is
a riot of color, the yellow
daffodils and burnt orange
tulips, white crabapple petals
fallen to the ground, the lilacs
half in bloom. In the garden
the two-note drone of a
chickadee, recurrent coo of a
mourning dove, the rat-a-tat-tat
of the woodpecker on the post
where the birdfeeder hangs.
There are holes dug by the dog
and buried bones. A whole world
inside a fence, inside a plot
nestled on a speck on a world
otherwise burning, burning
howling on its axis
spinning out of control.

Thank you for joining us to Write Around the World!

For the rest of the summer, watch our blog! We are sharing writing from AWA’s yearly marathon fundraiser, which happened this year all-online throughout the month of May.

We offer this series in appreciation for the incredible community of writers and workshop leaders that sustain us. If you’re inspired and would like to be part of the fundraiser, please donate!